Isaiah took note of a nation far to the north that would come against the House of Judah And He will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and will "hiss unto them from the end of the earth": and, behold, they shall come with speed swiftly? (Isa. 5:26). Jeremiah also spoke at length of an enemy coming from the north (Jer. 4-6). Ezekiel brings to light this powerful force from the distant north descending upon Israel. God will not allow this descending horde to punish his people further. God will destroy the aggressors. Their doom will come to fulfill the earlier prophecies and affirm the restoration of God's divine protection to the House of Israel. The author of the Book of the Revelation seems to shadow this prophecy, but it is unclear that this is the final battle in Revelation 19. It is very possible that this war is the catalyst for the anti-christ coming to power.

In the following section we have laid out a breakout of chapters 38 and 39 of Ezekiel for your beginning study. This breakout is by chapter and verse with background information about those involved, giving you an overview of what is contained in this section of Scripture. You will see by Scripture the historical time frame when all will happen. First, Israel has to be in the land. Why? This is the beginning of the redemption of the House of Israel, which will come to its final stage in Revelation chapter 19. Revelation chapters 7 and 14, Ezekiel chapter 37 and many other passages are major portions of this redemption process for the House of Israel. What happens there sets the stage for the climax. We believe that many prophecy teachers have missed the real intent of these verses, which we will discuss in detail later.

Ezekiel chapters 38-39

Israel was brought back from a long captivity and entered in the land. At this point, she is not to be removed and the Lord will never again turn her away. The world outside Israel is what the Lord is going to deal with along with Israel's final redemption.

First, let's address the "Judgment of the Gentiles". This judgment will be in regarding Jacob (Israel, whom are earthly or worldly), by the hand of the Gentiles themselves. The examples are likened to Nebuchadnezzar and his successors being taken as the exemplification of it. With the coming of the Lord these empires come to and end. But, this will not be the end of Gentile History. Man will be judged morally and the condition is seen in the final judgment of "the times of the Gentiles" (Rev. 19).

Names mentioned: Magog - Meshech - Tubal - Gomer (Gen. 10) It is evident that the sons of Japheth are before us. Japheth is seen as the prodigal that has wandered away from God, having lost his affiliation with God:

Sons of Gomer - The descriptions are somewhat brief and fragmentary until we come to Ezekiel, with the exception of Persia in a partial way.

Gog - This is a strange one in Scripture and means "extension", Magog is similar with perhaps the addition of "means", or "place of" extension. We see that Gog, the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal and God is against him Gog. In the KJV the word Rosh is not used, it states "chief prince of Meshech", whereas the ASV states it as the "prince of Rosh, Meshech". (See the section on

Magog - This most probably denotes a Teutonic people, living to the north of the Holy Land. Some sources identify Magog with Germania (Targum on 1 Chronicles 1:5), others identify them with the Goths (Megillah 1:9). These were a Teutonic people who migrated to Scythia, in what is now Southern Russia. Linguistically, the Scythians were related to the Iranians, and hence, to the Persians and the Medes. It is significant that there was a Persian Tribe known as the Germanians (Herodotus 1:125). Other sources note that Magog may denote Mongols whose very name may be a corruption of Magog. Arab writers referred to the Great Wall of China as the "Wall of Al Magog" (Kesseth Hasofer, P. 112 A).

Japheth - Means "enlargement". Hebrew (Yefeth) Thus Japheth and Gog give some similar thoughts. All of these nations belong to the Indo-European language group. Some identified Yefeth with the Greek (Iapetus).

Gomer - Was the eldest son of Japheth, and father of Ashkenaz, and Togarmah. These are branches of the Celtic family located to the south and west of Europe, most probably the Celts, the Franks, or the Gauls, all of whom are closely related. (Herodotus 2:33) Early sources translate it as (Afrikey). In the Targum - 1 Kings 20:22 22:49, this is the translation of Tarshish (see Gen. 10:4). Afrikey is not Africa, but Frikia or Phrygia. The Phrygia was an ancient nation who lived south of the Black Sea (Iliad 2:86 Herodotus 7:30-31). They are related to the Armenians, but may have been related to the Franks, because of resemblance between the two names.

House of Togarmah - Son of Gomer and brother of Ashkenaz and Rephath (Gen. 10:3 1 Chron. 1:6). The descendants of Togarmah are mentioned among the merchants who trafficked with Tyre in "horses, horsemen, and mules (Ezek. 27:14), and also named with Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya as follows of Gog, the Chief Prince of Gog, the Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal (Ezek. 38:5,6). The name may be preserved in the E. Cappodocian city of Til-garimmu, listed in the Assyrian record (A region in Asia). These northern people are identified by other sources as Barberia (Targum) identified as Germania, Barbara, or Britannia. Still, others sources with the Armenians and in modern sense, Togarmah is used for Turkey.

Persia - World Empire (539-331 B.C.) consisted of the Iranian plateau east to the Tigris to India.

Cush - Was the son of Ham, father of Nimrod, Cush, or Ethiopia, has reference in general to a powerful kingdom to the south of Egypt. The connection with Nimrod associates the family with the first kingdom in Babylonia. Cush was the ancient city of Kish eight miles east of Babylon. Other sources say east of the Holy Land. The Targum renders it a Arabia (Targum on 1 Chronicles 1:8). This, however, may have referred to an area in Africa on the upper Nile (Herodotus 2:19) where Josephus identifies Cush with Ethiopia.

Phut - (Put) Jeremiah 46:9 Ezekiel 27:10, 38:5 Nahum 3:9. Josephus identifies Put with Lybyos or Libya in North Africa, the Greek name for the region along the Mediterranean Sea, west of Egypt. Other sources state that it is to the east of the Holy Land (Yov`Loth 9:1).

Rosh - (head, chief) Gen.46:21 Seventh son of Benjamin, also named as the son Bela and thus Benjamin's grandson. Rosh does not appear as descendants among the Benjaminite tribal families in Num. 26:38-39 I Chron. 8:1-5. Perhaps "Ehi, Rosh, Muppim", in Gen. 46:21 is a corruption. Rosh may have died childless and is only used as meaning "head, chief." (See also 2 Samuel 15:32 16:1) One must take to note that many have tried to use the word Rosh to point to Russia, but in fact may only mean "head, or chief" which is an important title and may give us understanding who is setting the stage.

Tubal - (Tuval) Son of Japheth (Gen. 10:2 I Chron. 1:5), hence naming a country in Asia Minor. The name is usually referred to in conjunction with Meshech I, or other nations of Eastern Asia Minor. Identified with Bithynia (Targum on 1 Chronicles 1:5 Megillah 1:9) Josephus calls them from Iber. Others say they were the people of the Iberian Peninsula, hence the original Spaniards. The Spanish have referred to themselves as Cen-Tuvales, literally "people of Tuval". However, there were also an Iberian people who lived to the east of the Black Sea. In later years Tubal (Meschech) had retreated to that area.

Meshech - (Meshekh) A northern kingdom (Psalms 120:5), the land west of Bithynia, along the Dardanelles and Marmara Sea. They might possibly be associated with Mycenae, an ancient city in Greece. Josephus, however, associates them with Cappadocia, in central Turkey (Herodotus 1:72). Close to Galatia or Gomer, another possibility is with the people of Massagatae, an ancient people who lived in Russia to the east of the Aral Sea (Herodotus 1:201). It is also possible to identify them with the Moschians mentioned in ancient sources (Herodotus 7:78). The name may be related to the Muskeva River, and hence to Moscow. Still another source indicates that they may be the forerunner of the Slavs (Kesseth HaSofer).

Tarshish - In 1 Chronicles 1:7 is Tarshishah, famed for its ships (1 Kings 10:22 22:49 Isaiah 23:10 66:19 Ezekiel 38:13 Jonah 1:3). Josephus identifies it with Cilicia, whose capital is Tarsus. Some Talmudic sources (Targum Megillah 1:9) associate it with Tuscany, Lombardi, Florence and Milan (Sefer Ha Yashar).

Sheba - (S`bha) Seba (Isaiah 43:3 45:14 Psalms 72:10). Josephus identifies this with the Sabeans, living in Southern Arabia. The Talmud identified it as Saristan or Sagiatan (Yoma 10 A) a district in Drangonia in the Persian Empire, occupied by the Scythians.

Dedan - Josephus identifies this nation with the Judeans of Western Etheopia. The Targum has M`zag, perhaps the Mazices of Northern Africa.

At the End of Days - Referred to in Dan 11, concerning the days prior to the tribulation. I believe this: The Moslem coalition is the war that sets up the seven-year peace with the little Horn of Daniel.

Thou shalt come into the land brought back from the sword! The gathering of the nation of Israel back to the land. Keep in mind this war does not resemble the Battle of Armageddon. Daniel speaks of both Rev 19 and Ezekiel 38 and 39 wars. The areas of the King of the north (Ezekiel's war) his lands are outside the areas of revived Roman Empire. These two gatherings, the last King of the North and the latter is the gathering of the Western Nations under the Beast and False Prophet. These two gatherings have two distinct geographical locations at which they take place. At first, the one under the Beast will be friendly to the Jew and the city of Jerusalem, and the King of the North is fiercely opposed to the Jews. At this time, you can hardly see the Beast as besieging Jerusalem they would rather be its defenders and cannot be included among the "peoples" which come up against Jerusalem.

The King of the North - has his hosts gathered in the valley of Jehoshapat, which is just outside of Jerusalem at the base of the Mount Olivet (Joel 3 Zech. 14 Dan 11:45). The other gathering is at Har-Mageddon quite to the north of Jerusalem, identified with the Plain of Esdraelon, connected with the seacoast. This would be a natural place for the western army to disembark.

Let's quickly summarize how these groups sift out in military contingents:

A. Two distinct gatherings, at two distinctly different Centers.
B. Two distinctly, though of course, closely related manifestations of God's judgment.
C. Two distinct groups of nations.

This confederacy spoken of by Zechariah and Joel speak of the lands North and East of Israel. They are the enemies of the willful King and the Western Confederacy, which support the false messiah. This will in effect strike the final blow, which will decide the question of the world supremacy once for all in favor of the Beast of Rev. 13, together with this prophecy of Rev. 16, we learn that this mighty host will gather at Har-Mageddon, the Plain of Esdraelon.

Ezekiel 38:1 - 39:29 Judgments on Enemies (GOG)

38:1-3 GOG - God sets his face against Gog. The name is connected with "OG" Deut. 3:1-13 and "AGAG" Num. 24:7. This should be rendered AGOG or GOG.

38:4-7 REPULSED - God names those involved and tells them to be prepared for war.

38:8-16 INVASION AND PURPOSE - To bring them against Israel. An evil thought, for spoil, a prey, for people to turn their hand upon the desolate places upon the people that are gathered out of the nations. Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish with all the young lions will say, have you come to take a prey, silver and gold, to take away cattle, goods and to take a great spoil.

38:16 GOD’s PURPOSE - In the latter days, through Gog He (God) will vindicate His holiness before their eyes.

38:17-22 INVASION - When Gog comes up against Israel, God's fury shall come up in His face, and there will be a great shaking in the Land of Israel (Hos. 4:3). Surely in that day (Hag. 2:6,7) the mountains shall be thrown down (Nahum 1:5,6) Plead against him (Ezek. 13:

38:23 PURPOSE - That the heathen may know HIM (God) and that God will be known in the eyes of the nation’s so that they shall know that "I AM the LORD".

39:1 GOG - I will turn you back, why, because I AM is against you.

39:2-3 REPULSE - Details of God's judgment.

39:4-6 FALL - Of Gog, Magog.

39:7 GOD's PURPOSE - To Israel and to the heathen.

39:8-20 SPOLIATION - Cleansing of the land.

39:21-29 GOD's PURPOSE - To set God's glory among the heathen, to see His judgment, and God's hand upon them. For the House of Israel shall know that I AM is the LORD their God from that day forward. So that the heathen will know that Israel went into captivity for their "iniquity" v. 23-24 v. 25 Now will I bring again the captivity of Jacob and have mercy (see Romans 11).

This looks like a new return of the Jew after this war.

Now that you have had time to study this overview, perhaps many questions have come in to mind like:

1. The battle of Ezekiel and Revelation 19 are two different wars, with two different public figures involved. One is from the descendants of Ishmael. The other is from the descendants of Esau or the children of Edom. Why? They both were involved as firstborn in regards to the Covenant. I will discuss in detail about Edom and how they play their part later. It is only important that these wars are covenantal and not just a battle that takes place somewhere.

2. False religion will be directly involved in both of these wars using religious dogma as a front to cover the truth.

3. This marks the beginning of the final judgment to befall the gentiles and restoring of the House of Israel and G-d's plan to bring in the Kingdom.

4. This battle will bring forth another return of the Jews from dispersion.

5. Many questions seem to arise with translation problems like the term ROSH, in some places it is transliterated as a proper name, or just the term CHIEF or HEAD. Some experts hold the view that the root word is RUS, which was the name for the indigenous Slavs of the southern steppes, and the root from which Russia eventually got its name. Others try to take the name from the Hebrew to Greek to some connection to Russia. Other terms that raise questions are MESHECH, TUBAL and MAGOG, these names need to be identified so that the picture is clear. Meshech and Tabal descendants of Japheth, listed in Genesis 10 are possibly named in Ancient Assyrian texts associating them with Mushki (Greek, Muschoi) and Tabal in central and Eastern Anatolia respectively. Did this group migrate northward and give their name to Moscow, and does Tubal relate to Tibereni and Tobolsk? This tradition is not free of controversy. With Magog we find a much closer connection with Russia through the Scythians. This connection is not without controversy as well, but it has somewhat sounder ground than using ROSH as a means to imply Russia. This, again, raises some questions that we will address later.

6. There is a possibility that there will be new boundaries to the land of Israel that will extend to just outside Damascus, Syria, Ammon, Jordan and toward the Euphrates River.

7. This war may mark the final piece to the setting up of the anti-christ kingdom by the fall of Islam, and the West will be able to set up the Greco portion of the power base. This will make the Revised Roman Empire complete with one power base in control.

8. Is Russia involved? This is possible but there are many questions that need to be answered in regards to this like the Hebrew word "rosh". Does it mean Russsia as some try to make it read? Or do the words "Meshech and Tubal" translate to Moscow and Tubal... to the Tibereni and Tobolsk, can these be made free of any controversy? If Russia is involved, what will her involvement be? Remember, all the nations Ezekiel mentions are of the Islamic faith and Russia proper is of a Orthodox Christian base, can these mix? The only possibility could be for Russia's own plans to take over and control the Middle East, by using the Islamic nations to do her dirty work. We will look at this to see if it fits.

Our next step is to look at and identify the players involved, and all the possible variations to see who are the most likely candidates for this war Ezekiel proposes. In verse 26: Borne their shame correlates to Rev. 14 verse 27 refers back to verse 25 (this is a marker of time) verse 28 refers back again to verse 25 and 26 (another marker of time) verse 29 points to when Joel 2:28 will come to pass and the Messiah will appear in Rev.14 (yet another mark of time).

At this point we will look at who are the best contenders for the nations that Scripture is addressing and why. We want to state here that the names for the nations involved will be left in the original form and not a translation into modern language or to mean a modern nation. The King James translation as well as others uses the names Ethiopia and Libya in the text, which in the original form is Cush and Phut and has some related information that should be examined before making a general rendering. (See below)

Ezekiel War Contenders: The father of these nations is Japheth, who wandered away from God and at this point had lost the truth. These nations or people are those that will come against the Land of Israel and God will say, "I am against you":

A. GOG - As a people they are made-up of the Iranians, Persians, Medes and the Scythians of southern Russia. We know the first three, but the Scythians were a bizarre and savage race. They would drink the blood of the first enemy killed they carried the heads of their victims to their chiefs they scalped their enemies and used these scalps as "napkins" they used the skins of their victims to cover their quivers they drank from the skulls of their victims they practiced blood brotherhood by drinking each other's blood mixed with wine. The Scthians "bathed" in the vapor from heated hemp seeds. When their king died, they sacrificed one of his concubines and several servants. The Scthians were not a nice bunch and were among the earliest mounted archers of antiquity. They could shoot as easily with the left hand as with the right and Lucian relates that while galloping they could hit a moving beast or bird. These nomadic tribes settled in the fertile area of the Ukraine north of the Black Sea, and to the east of the Caspian Sea, possibly even to the Great Wall of China.

B. MAGOG - Or Land of Gog, Magog is the same with the additional thought, of "means", or "place of extension", or lands of Gog (Magog). One thing is clear, he is the "head or chief," the instigator and is the one God is speaking to.

C. TUBAL and MESHECH - Tubal and Meshech in context with the other nations involved, leads one to the conclusion that these people came from Eastern and North-west Asia Minor, mainly around the Black Sea. They were not from the Iberian Peninsula, which would have made them the original Spaniards. The Tubal and Meshech peoples referenced here most likely stretched from central Turkey to the east of the Aral Sea. To have only a possible illusion to identify them with the Moschians and relating them to the Muskeva River, and hence to Moscow is taking the stronger connection with the whole out of place.

D. GOMER and BETH-TOGARMAH (or House of) - These peoples inhabited the mountainous region south and east of the Black Sea. Their former name was the Gimirrai or Cimmerians, a warlike people who invaded Asia Minor in the eighth century B.C. and continued to trouble Assyria in the seventh century. Beth-Togarmah, said to be a trading partner of Tyre in Ez. 27:14, is referred to as the son of Gomer in Gen. 10:3. Because of the connection with the other nations that are involved with this war, these two groups in the modern sense most likely are the people of Turkey and Armenian peoples.

E. PERSIA - A World Empire (539-331 B.C.). A people of the Iranian plateau, located east of the Tigris to India.

F. CUSH - Cush in a general reference was a powerful kingdom to the south of Egypt. Some give the name of Ethiopia to Cush, but remember that the Ethiopia of the Scriptures is not all together the Ethiopia of today. Most likely the Sudan is where this kingdom began and is the area that is mentioned in Scripture. One thing to keep in mind is that Cush is also associated with the ancient city of Kish eight miles east of Babylon and the association with Nimrod does give a connection to the first kingdom in Babylonia. Whether Babylon or Sudan, they are both Islamic and most likely to be involved.

G. GOG - Gog has also been identified as various historical figures (including the Lydian king, Gyges, of the mid-seventh century B.C.E.) as a mythical figure representing all the forces of darkness and chaos opposed to God (Ez. 29:3). In chapter 29 the control of Jerusalem passed from Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar in the year 605 B.C.E. as a result of Babylonian expansion. Egypt then proceeded to encourage Judah to revolt against Babylon with promise of military support. Both Jeremiah (Jer. 2:16-19 46) and Ezekiel (Ezek. 17) warned against reliance on Egyptian support. They viewed such a hope as rebellion against God, in that they believed, He was justly punishing his people by bringing them under Babylonian rule. Likewise, they felt that by opposing Babylonian power, Egypt also opposed God. This Egyptian influence with Judah, at the expense of Jerusalem's destruction provides the background for chapters 17 and 19 of Ezekiel. Ezekiel, in chapters 38 and 39 collectively brings to light the barbarian people of Asia Minor, or even Babylon, whom Ezekiel had nowhere prophesied more openly.

H. PHUT - We have clear evidence that Phut is the nation Libya in North Africa, but there are some sources that state that Phut as well as Cush is east of the Holy Land. This does tell us that this war could be strictly coming from the Northeastern group of Islamic nations and not a combination from North Africa.

I. ROSH - It does not appear that "Rosh" is a people in the context of Scripture, but a Hebrew word that is just used, referring to the title "head or chief." This term is referring back to Gog as head or chief of this group of people or nations involved. There were no people by Japheth named Rosh. Rosh is certainly not a cryptic allusion to Russia, as some have done by taking the Hebrew to the Greek to get Russia. We believe it is equally in error to try to go to a root meaning of Rosh to Rus and making it a root word for Russia. (See above: Rosh son of Benjamin Gen. 46:21).

Ezekiel War Supporters: These nations are those who stand by the wayside and say, "Have you come to seize spoil? Have you assembled your horde to carry off plunder, to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to seize a great amount of booty?"

A. SHEBA - You will find that there is a Seba in North Africa and a Sheba in Southern Arabia, which is now Yemen today. We do not see Seba in North Africa as one of the bystanders or Sheba being in Drangonia in the Persian Empire, occupied by Scythians, which is today Iran. But the strongest evidence leaves us to understand that Sheba is on the Arabian Peninsula on the southern tip and by the evidence in Scripture they are not involved.

B. DEDAN - [Dee-dan] This oasis town and the surrounding region in NW Arabia, is near Edom. The Oasis of Dedan is probably the modern el-Ela, about 50 miles (80 KM) southwest of Tema. The Dedanites were known as traders whose caravans ranged across the wilderness of Arabia. (Jer. 25:23 Ezek. 25:13 Ezek. 27:15). They're descendants of Raamah, son of Cush (Gen. 10:7 I Chr. 1:9) or as the offspring of Jokshan son of Abraham and Keturah (Gen. 25:3 I Chr. 1:32). In both these cases Dedan and Sheba are regarded as brothers. This would indicate a mixed origin, with a wide range activity along the length and breadth of the Arabian Peninsula.

C. TARSHISH - We find that Tarshish is not as easy to identify as the others, but we have information that leads us in the right direction. The name could mean, perhaps, yellow jasper or other gold colored stone (Esth. 1:14) or perhaps for Old Persia "tarsus", the greedy one. One alternate, Tharshish (I Kings 10:22 22:48 I Chr. 7:10) a Benjaminite, son of Bilhan (I Chr. 7:10) or one of the "seven princes of Persia and Media" next in rank to King Ahasuerus (Esth. 1:14). The Second Targum (Aramaic) of Esther adds "from Egypt" after this name. Authorities are unsettled as to the location or identification of the original Tarshish, but Tarsus is not out of the question all the way to Tartessus in Spain, which many favor. When Jonah wishes to evade his mission to Nineveh in the East, he boards a ship at Joppa bound for Tarshish in the West (Jonah 1:3), on the Mediterranean coast. We can see that the "Ships of Tarshish" came to designate the larger seagoing vessels, regardless of their origin or ports of call. We also need to note the places associated with the ships of Tarshish:

1. Isa. 23:1 connects them with the lands of the Kittim, pointing to Cyprus and the Aegean.

2. Tying in with Gen. 10:4, where Tarshish is classified as Greek (cf. also Isa. 66:19).

3. In I Kings 10:22 tells of Solomon's fleet of Tarshish that fetched gold, silver, ivory, monkeys, and peacocks, pointing to a route along the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean II Chr. 9:21 has the same fleet going to Tarshish (tying in with Ps. 72:10) to bring back the same cargoes.

4. I Kings 22:49 mentions Jehoshaphat's ships of Tarshish sailing for Ophir from Eziongeber for sailing to Tarshish.

5. An important note to Isa. 2:16 parallels Tarshish with "the pleasant place, desire" (RSV "beautiful craft", suggesting that whatever the original identification of Tarshishmay have been, in literature and popular imagination it became a distant paradise.

6. Looking at Tarshish from a modern viewpoint and the nations involved. Because of the wealth of the oil of that area, we can see possible that when this area goes up in flames, that the shipping industry and the nations that get their oil from them would have something to say like:

"Have you come to seize spoil? Have you assembled your horde to carry off plunder, to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to seize a great amount of booty?"

D. AND ALL ITS YOUNG WARRIORS - (some text may read leading merchants) This portion of the text leads back to Tarshish, her "young warriors, young lions or leading merchants" and would mean all of those that are joined to Tarshish in her ventures or enterprises.


Before we begin our lay out of Ezekiel, first we need a clearer understanding of GOG. Gog is the leader of the invaders that God will decimate upon this invasion. It seems that this battle describes nuclear warfare and the procedures for the clearing of the battlefield have the form of how mankind would deal with nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare and cleanup. We can see that historians confirm the identity of the players, but for Gog it is not so clear. We can pin point that ancient historians clearly identify the descendants of Magog as the Scythians, ancestors to the north and east of Turkey, Iran and Iraq. Most probably these nations today are the Central Asian Republics, (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tadzhikstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan) are Muslim, and most probably are committed to the destruction of Israel. We must note that these nations have nuclear weapons and have also signed a military assistance pact with the Russian Federation. Is it a mystery to the identity of this "GOG", who is the chief prince of Magog? We find that Gog does not appear as a biblical name to trace or link him to Scripture. So who is this elusive one, that the numerous commentaries can only give conjecture, which is unconvincing to the reader if he will only question God for an answer?

Lets look to the Book of Amos and see if there is proof to the identity of this leader. In the King James Version we find in Amos 7:1:

"Thus hath the Lord GOD shewed unto me and, behold, he formed grasshoppers in the beginning of the shooting up of the latter growth and, Lo, it was the latter growth after the king's mowings."

What is its meaning? It probably is not that important because to the reader we see that by Amos's prayers (7:2) that it was cancelled and the judgment was foregone.

So why did God include this? To find the answer let us look to a translation of the Tanackh (Old Testament), which is considerably older than the primary texts used in the English Bible. This text is the Septuagint, which drew upon other texts in translating the Hebrew of Amos 7:1.

The Septuagint translation of this verse embodies a very different rendering for the reader:

"Thus has the Lord God shewed me and, behold, a swarm of locusts coming from the east and, behold, one caterpillar, king Gog. And it came to pass when he had finished devouring the grass of the land, that I said, Lord God, be merciful who shall raise up Jacob? for he is small in number. Repent, O Lord, for this. And this shall not be, saith the Lord."

This is a particularly curious since Proverbs 30:27 reveals that the "Locusts have no king, “and this text calls Gog "a king caterpillar". This seems to indicate that the Amos passage must be referring to this caterpillar or locust as something more than natural, but rather a demonic force.

So Amos is revealing to us that Gog is a demon king, and that he is the chief in charge of this campaign against the House of Israel. Looking to the Book of the Revelation chapter 9, where, in the Fifth Trumpet, there the "locusts" also have a king called Apollyon or Abaddon (Rev. 9:11), which is a demonic horde emerging from the abyss. There is more to back this up, for you will find the Sumerian word “gug" means darkness. By this the mystery from Revelation 20 becomes clearer, where Gog and Magog reappear after the Millennium (20:8). We can understand that possibly a people can reappear after a 1,000 years, but how can their leader thus reappear? As a demonic leader it becomes understandable to the reader.

Looking to Daniel chapter 10, Daniel's door can give us a glimpse into the spirit world. Daniel started praying and the Lord heard Daniel and sent him a messenger who was engaged in warfare for 21 days with the "Prince of Persia". This warfare continued until Michael came to assist and then the messenger got through. By understanding this Scripture we find out that the spirit world tells us that demonic powers are behind every major movement of history. The historic representation here is the Persian and Greek empires.

Today the fastest growing religion in the world is Islam and we can see by Ezekiel 38 and 39 that the reason for this is for the coming conflict that is headed up by Satan, Gog, and prince of locust, who is the Prince of Persia. Muhammad gave theses nations their religion, which got its start in Babylon with the worship of the moon-god, Alilah. This god's symbol was the crescent moon which now graces every mosque in the world. We can see that the Prince of Persia is emerging again to do battle.


This final solution yields up the cursed equation:


Holocaust is a dark revelation of man's capacities for participating in and acquiescing to a systematic and TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF SELF. This dehumanization brings man to a state that befell the Jews, now threatens all mankind. This revelation is for man, but also a statement to man. Man, a morally autonomous and free agent, may reject God and His people. But, Israel, as the Servant of the Lord, has suffered the wrath of those who rebelled against its master. When Israel will be renewed to the Lord, the nations in this age will stand as a mutual threat and even to self-alienation. Israel will find strength from the prophet who charged that he (Israel) "Shall not fail nor be crushed until he has rectified the world, for the Islands await his teachings. This study indicates Isaiah 42:4 will be fulfilled in Revelation 14.