Our heavenly Father's blessings upon these children from families who have been persistent in this blessing are profound. What other "people" have dominated leadership roles in financial institutions, investment trading, law, medicine, engineering, artifact and stone brokers, arts and entertainment?

It is Dad's responsibility to bless his children on Erev Shabbat. Make it significant and deliberate take each child individually into your lap - especially the older ones!

Place your right hand upon their forehead and hold them close, cheek to cheek and say:

To the daughters (in Hebrew):
Y'simcha Elohim ke'Sarah, Rivka,
Rachel, ve'Leah.

English Liturgy:

God make you like Sarah, Rebekah,
Rachel and Leah.

To the sons (in Hebrew):
Y'simcha Elohim ke'Efraim ve'Chimnashe.

English Liturgy:

God make you like Efraim and Mannasheh.

To the all the children collectively:
Yevarechecha Adonai ve'yshmerecha
Ya'er Adonai panav eleicha ve'chunecha
Ysa Adonai panav eleicha ve'yasem lecha shalom.

May the Lord bless you and keep you
May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you
May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and grant you peace.

Blessing to the Parents from the children in response:
May God bless our love for one another.