TRADITIONAL SHABBAT FOODS:Challah, Pickles and fermented foods, Wine... As you're planning your weekly celebration, add whatever you like to the menu--just remember it's the best meal of the week!
TRADITIONAL PASSOVER FOODS:Matzah, Tzimmes, Rice Pilaf, Stuffed Grape Leaves, Chicken or Lamb (Barley Harvest)
TRADITIONAL SHAVUOT FOODS:Yogurt, Butter, Cream, Cheese Blintz, Challah, Taboule, Grain and Dairy (Wheat Harvest)
TRADITIONAL YOM TERUAH FOODS:Honey, Apples, Fruit and Fruit Compote, Spiral or crown shaped Challah with raisins (Fruit Harvest)
TRADITIONAL SUKKOT FOODS:Challah, Fruit Jellies and Jams, Compote, Pies, Strudel, Kreplach (Fruit Harvest)
TRADITIONAL CHANUKKAH FOODSLatke's, Sufganyot, Doughnuts, Fried Foods (Oil for the Festival of Lights)
TRADITIONAL PURIM FOODS:Hamantaschen, Kreplach, Stuffed Cabbage, Stuffed Grape Leaves, Stuffed Puff Pastries, any kind of sliced Tortilla Roll-up, Spinach Balls, (Stuffed or hidden things, Triangle shaped things for Haman's hat)